
Our mission is to publish books that radiate grace, love, joy, and light in a world that often feels shrouded in darkness. We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire and uplift, and our aim is to provide readers with narratives that touch their hearts and bring them hope.

Here's a Bit About Me

I’m Monika Polefka-Proulx, I’m an author, publisher, and coach.

Reach~Love~Connect is comprised of two sections - Reachout Publishing and The Unreachable Reach courses.

At Reachout Publishing we facilitate publishing while working closely with authors to share stories that inspire, educate, entertain, and spread joy.

Our mission is to amplify hope, comfort, and grace through meaningful content that impacts people’s lives.

We also have programs for families of troubled teens, using a 5-STEP R.E.A.C.H process to identify Root causes, Open Eyes and awknowledge blinders, Attack negative behaviors and influences, Chase family harmony, and Heal the family unit.

The Reachout Publishing System

Reachout and Touch the World


At Reachout Publishing, we understand the power of storytelling and the impact it can have on people's lives. We work closely with authors, providing them with the support and guidance they need to bring their books of grace, joy, peace, and love into the world.

In a world that can often feel dark and uncertain, there is a growing need for stories that inspire and uplift. People are eagerly waiting to hear your unique story.

We believe that every author has an important story to tell, one that has the potential to touch hearts and transform lives.

The Unreachable Reach

The Unreachable Reach Program is a valuable resource for parents and caregivers who are facing the challenges of raising troubled youth. As a Mom, I understand the stress and difficulties that come with parenting, especially in difficult situations.

I want to assure parents that they are not alone in this journey. With the Unreachable Reach Program, we provide support, guidance, and tools to help families navigate through these challenging times. Together, we can help parents build stronger relationships with their children and create a positive environment for growth and development..

Reaching Self

Reach Within: Empowering Personal Growth and Healing

Publishing Testimonials

Melissa L Ray

Reachout Publishing is an amazing company with an exemplary work ethic. Reachout has worked on the interior layout, cover design, and upload of two of my book titles. I was able to work with Monika directly, and I found her to be very thorough. She was a professional in every way. There are many elements of this work I know nothing about, but she does. That is why I trust this company with my books. I have more titles coming, and Reachout Publishing will handle them also!

Sally Livingston

Working with Reachout Publishing has been an incredible experience! Monika and her team make easy what can be a daunting process from book concept to reality! They took my ideas and timelines seriously and did not stop until everything was just right! Reachout takes the tedious work from the publishing process and allows the writer to focus on the messaging. I would highly recommend Monika and Reachout Publishing to you. In fact, I’m already working with them on projects 2 and 3!

A. Shepherd Jordan

I last published a book in 2013. Needless to say a lot has
changed since then so when I finished my latest book, I knew I’d need a lot of help with getting it published.

Thank goodness I was introduced to Monika Polefka-Proulx at
Reach Out Publishing who took all the guesswork out of my hands and provided a
wealth of expertise. She effortlessly guided me through each step of the
process with an end result I couldn’t be happier with. 

Coaching Testimonials

Marty Mitchell

Monika’s Unreachable Reach program is a difference maker.

Whether we have been impacted ourselves or know someone affected by negative influences, bullying, depression and anxiety, Monika’s 5 step process provides clear steps for moving forward, repairing past hurts, and increasing communication within the family. She cares deeply about gently helping those affected to be honest, open, understanding, and brave when needed.

Wei Wei Chang

Monika’s story of relationship restoration with her teenager is heartfelt.

She has worked through her 5 step R.E.A.C.H process to help her daughter. Now she is using these proven steps to help other parents fighting to reach their lost teenagers. Monika’s gentle, yet firm approach knocks down the walls of rebellion and rebuilds love. I highly recommend Monika’s 5 step R.E.A.C.H process to help you protect and connect with your child.

Niccie Kliegl

Monika’s Unreachable Reach program is exactly what parents of teenagers need. All of us are affected or know someone affected by negative influences, bullying, depression and anxiety. The thing I love the most about Monika is that she has lived to tell and genuinely cares about families of teens who are struggling. Her attitude was gentle, understanding and encouraging.



Welcome to the Reach Love Connect Blog, your go-to destination for insightful discussions family, trauma, and growing as Christians.

Reachout Publishing


Welcome to the Reachout Publishing Blog, your go-to destination for insightful discussions on books, author and publishing tips.

Reachout Publishing

  • Bring your book to life

  • Realize your dreams

  • Increase your influence

  • Get your book in the hands of readers

  • Reach-out and touch the world